# Connect to GCP using the Google Cloud CLI

Published 2022-12-03

This tutorial explains how we can connect to GCP using the Google Cloud CLI on Windows.

Once you have installed the GCP CLI, the next step is to open a Command Prompt Window and run gcloud auth login.

gcloud auth login

The browser will open automatically, and you will log to your GCP account.

After that you will see something like this:

Your browser has been opened to visit:


You are now logged in as [xxxxx.xxxxxxx@gmail.com].
Your current project is [fluted-layout-376110].  You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

Sometimes, we cannot access a web browser from the environment where you run gcloud auth login command. In this case, we need to run the gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser command and we will see something like this:

Go to the following link in your browser:


Enter authorization code:

We need to copy the link in a browser. After the connection to GCP we will receive an authorization code in the browser. We copy this code into the Command Prompt windows, and we can see something like this:

Enter authorization code: 4/0AWtgzh7OgZ7JB92loFlwyQYbI4qim3JJrlCWyU2MeQ-gVsgj6hSyMlirBLPvtMaVTIJNdw

You are now logged in as [paul.tomoiu@gmail.com].
Your current project is [fluted-layout-376110].  You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

At this point you can run commands on the GCP Cloud.

You can test the login using a command like this one if we want :

gcloud projects list

In my case the result is this:

PROJECT_ID            NAME              PROJECT_NUMBER
fluted-layout-376110  My First Project  476731510945