# Reserve an External Static IP

Published 2022-12-03

This tutorial explains how we can reserve an external static IP.

Here are some information to retain:

  • You can assign an external IPs address to an instance if you need to communicate with the Internet, or with resources in another VPC network.
  • External IP addresses can be static or ephemeral.
  • If a VM requires a fixed external IP address that does not change, you can obtain a static external IP address. You can reserve new external IP addresses, or promote existing ephemeral external IP addresses.

In order to reserve a static external IP, we have to go to the GCP Console, click on "Networking" -> "VPN network" -> "IP addresses" and you will see something like this:


Choose a name for your IP, the network service tier, and the IP version.

Choose the type of the IP, the region where you can run this resource and click on "RESERVE".

The same effect has the following command run in Cloud CLI:

gcloud compute addresses create external-ip-1 --project=fluted-layout-376110 --network-tier=STANDARD --region=us-central1

Now we can see that the new IP has been created, but not assigned: