Review No. 2
This page contains Java concepts (but not only) briefly explained.
Iterator vs ListIterator
- Iterator (interface): you can traverse elements in a Collection (which extends Iterable interface) in a forward direction
- ListIterator (interface): you can traverse elements in a Collection in both forward and backward directions
yield() vs sleep() vs wait() on Threads
yield() : a static method of Thread class which stops the currently executing thread for letting the other threads (with the same or higher priority) run. After a while, the thread will restart automatically again.
sleep() : a static method of Thread class which stops the currently executing thread for a specified time in milliseconds.
wait() : the calling thread stops its execution until notify() or notifyAll() method is invoked by some other thread. (when using Monitors).
MessageFormat.format() vs String.format()
Object[] arguments = { 10,
new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()),
String result = MessageFormat.format("Today, {1, date} this {2} costs {3}{0, number}.",
String name="big lakes";
String formattedName = String.format("Today I have seen 2 %s.",name);
The output will be something like this:
Today, Jul 16, 2023 this apple costs $10.
Today I have seen 2 big lakes.
String.format() accepts type specifiers as arguments (eg. %d for numbers, %s for strings).
DecimalFormat class
DecimalFormat class is used for formatting numbers as per customized format and as per locale.
String pattern = "###,###.###";
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
String format = decimalFormat.format(3000.13);
transient variable
A transient variable : is not serialized during serialization and which is initialized by its default value during de-serialization. This allows you to exclude fields that are not relevant or that can be recreated dynamically.
It is not allowed to mark a method as transient in Java.
thread status
- NEW − thread created but it have never run.
- RUNNABLE − thread executing a task.
- WAITING − when a thread waits for a signal from another thread to start (after a wait()).
- TIMED_WAITING − starts when the timeout expire or when an event occurs (after a sleep()).
- TERMINATED(Dead) − the thread completes its task or otherwise terminates.
- BLOCKED − when a lock/deadlock occurs
For listing the threads statuses we can run the following Java code:
Thread.State[] states = Thread.State.values();
for (Thread.State state : states)
Member Inner class vs Local Inner class
public class Outer {
public class MemberInner { }
public static class Inner2 { }
public void method(){
class LocalInner{ }
LocalInner yesThisActuallyCompiles = new LocalInner();
Local Inner class is defined into a method.
A Member Inner class can access all the variables and methods of the outer class. A Local Inner class can only access final local variables.
- The methods & class definitions are stored in Method Area (a kind of internal heap, which is not garbage collected). The loading is executed of the start of the application.
- Metaspace, like the Perm Gen, is the implementation of the Method Area in the JVM specification (from Java 8). Now, Metaspace utilizes native memory (outside JVM heap).
Can we invoke an external process in Java?
Yes, by using Runtime.getRuntime().exec() method (java.lang.Runtime is a class). We can start an external process and interact with it from within our Java program.
// Create a process and execute notepad.exe. Destroy the process after 3 minutes.
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe");
System = class
out = object
println() = method which prints a line of text to the standard output stream.
CharSequence interface
CharSequence interface is implemented by String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder.
toArray() method on Lists
Convert a list into an array.
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] myArray = new String[list.size()];
compareTo() method in Java for the String
compareTo() method : compares two strings lexicographically and return an integer value(+/-) indicating their relative order.
String s1 = "AAA";
String s2 = "CCC";
int result = s1.compareTo(s2);
This will return :
Deque interface
Deque comes from Double Ended Queue.
Deque interface (extends the Queue interface) has 3 known implementations:
- ArrayDeque, ArrayList: provides better performance for add and remove operations at both ends of the deque
- LinkedList: provides better performance for add and remove operations in the middle of the deque
ArrayDeque and ArrayList works similarly under the hood, excepting the resizing. ArrayDeque has a default size of 16 and is always resized to a power of 2 (32, 64, 128, 256,...).
Collection vs Collections
- Collection is an interface that defines the methods for working with collections in Java
- Collections is a class which implements the Collection interface.
Setting default Locale in Java
// set the default locale
Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en", "US", "WIN"));
-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US
If these properties are not set, the Locale class will use the default Locale of the JVM.
Convert a List to a Set
List list1 = new ArrayList<>(List.of("BMW", "AUDI", "DACIA", "AUDI"));
HashSet hs1 = new HashSet<>(list1);
TreeSet ts1 = new TreeSet<>(list1);
We can use new HashSet<>(list) constructor or the new TreeSet<>(list) constructor.
Create an ArrayList from Array
String[] array = new String[]{"BMW", "Audi", "Peugeot"};
ArrayList aList = new ArrayList(List.of(array));
// is mutable
System.out.println("aList = " + aList);
How we can avoid Deadlocks
- Using timeouts
- Use thread-safe classes and data structures
- Always assign a different numeric value to each lock
- Use a Deadlock detection algorithm
stop() method for a thread
stop() method is deprecated and can cause unpredictable results. Use a boolean flag and Thread.interrupt() method instead.
What are the modules in Core Container of Spring framework ?
The Core Container consists of :
- Core & Beans modules - implements BeanFactory
- Context modules - implements ApplicationContext
- Expression Language (SpEL) module - used with @Value annotation
- ApplicationContext is a sub-interface of BeanFactory.
= Spring Expression Language
What kind of testing can be done in Spring Test Module ?
Unit tests, Integration tests.
How can we prevent users from creating more than one instance of singleton object by using clone() method ?
Add clone() method to the Singleton class and throw a CloneNotSupportedException in the clone() method.
How can you prevent SQL Injection in Java Code ?
One way to prevent SQL injection in Java code is by using parameterized queries instead of concatenating dynamic values into the SQL statement.
Which are the way we can inject an Object in another Object in Spring ?
- Constructor Based DI
public class StudentService {
private final Student student;
public StudentService(Student student) {
this.student = student;
- Constructor Based DI is preferred over Property-Based DI because we can mark the variable
used in the class with
which is not possible when we use @Autowired. - the
modifier make the variable encapsulated in the class. @Autowired
is needed before a constructor if we have more constructor using DI (if we have only on Constructor with DI, the annotation is optional from Spring 4.3).
This approach is a good approach because:
- it is thread-safe
- the validation of the dependencies is done when the Bean is created
- easier to test (allowing easy injection of mocks)
- Field or Property-Based DI
public class StudentService {
private final Student student;
- Setter Based DI
public class StudentService {
private final Student student;
public void setStudent(Student student) {
this.student = student;
virtual method invocation in Java concept
If we have :
class A {
public void test() { }
class B extends A {
public void test() { }
A obj = new B();
during the runtime, the real object method will be call.
- In this case we are speaking about Runtime polymorphism, also known as dynamic polymorphism (or dynamic method dispatch).
- A virtual function (or a virtual method) is a member function that can be redefined in derived classes.
final variable vs constant in Java
A final variable is a variable that cannot be changed after it has been assigned a value, while a constant is a variable that has a value that cannot be changed. The constants are final variables. The constants are written in uppercase (convention).
Abstraction vs Encapsulation
Abstraction focuses on hiding implementation details and showing only the essential features of an object, while encapsulation focuses on hiding data within an object.