# Review No. 6

Published 2024-01-14

This page contains Java concepts (but not only) briefly explained.

# Application Context vs container in Spring

The Spring container is a place where the Bean are created and lives (concept). Application Context is the Spring implementation of IoC container (ApplicationContext is also an interface).

# How can we shut down the Spring Application Context ?

Methode #1

private ApplicationContext context;
((ConfigurableApplicationContext) context).close();

Methode #2 Using Actuator /shutdown endpoint (if Actuator is used).

# Are the Beans instantiated eagerly or lazily ?

eagerly - for Singleton

lazily - for Prototype

# BeanFactoryPostProcessor vs BeanPostProcessor

BeanFactoryPostProcessor (interface) - used when we want to modify a class definition just before the Bean is created.

BeanPostProcessor (interface) - used when we want to modify a Bean after the Bean is created.

# What is a proxy object ?

A proxy object is an objects which control the access to the real object it represents.

# What is Environment interface used for ?

An object of this type keeps information about profiles and properties.

# How can we configure a Data Source in Spring ?

  • Java bean configuration : a method must return a DataSource reference type.
public class JpaConfig {

    public DataSource dataSource()
        DataSourceBuilder dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create();
        return dataSourceBuilder.build();

  • Properties configuration
  • JNDI configuration - the configuration is on the Application Server

# What is a callback ?

A callback is a code or reference to the code that can be passed as an argument to the method. This method will execute passed callback during execution.

# Global vs Local transaction

  • Global transaction -> spans multiple transactional resources (databases, queues)
  • Local transaction -> spans 1 transactional resource (database, queue)

# Is the JDBC template able to participate in an existing transaction ?

JDBC Template is able to participate in existing transaction, in a transaction defined programmatically, or defined with @Transactional annotation.

# How can we access application.properties values ?

We can access it using @Value annotation, using @ConfigurationProperties (@EnableConfigurationProperties enable this feature) or using an Environment object.

# What is a fat jar ?

A fat jar is an "executable jar". It contains the compiled code for your application and also all the dependencies. The "original" jar is not executable and has no dependencies.

# What is the MANIFEST.MF file ?

MANIFEST.MF file describes the Java Archive (JAR). It is located in META-INF directory. For an executable jar it contains "Main-Class" and "Class-Path". MANIFEST.MF file is created when the jar file is created.

# Which are the embedded web servers in Spring Boot ?

When we use spring-boot-starter-web starter we can have:

  • Tomcat (the default): the standards, used for small applications.
  • Jetty : better performance for large application.
  • Undertow : consumes less memory and CPU resources.

When we use spring-boot-starter-webflux we can use Reactor Netty (created more for real-time applications).

# What value does Spring Boot Actuator provide?

Spring Boot Actuator provides the following features:

  • Monitoring
  • Health-checks
  • Metrics
  • Audit Events

Spring Boot Actuator supports two protocols: HTTP & JMX.

# Is RESTful API always HTTP?

REST (Representational State Transfer) isn't always linked to HTTP. You can use other transfer protocols, such as FTP, SMTP, etc. But, typically REST APIs employs HTTP.

# What are 3 main characteristics of RESTful APIs?

  • Stateless : The server does not retain any session information about the client between requests => each request must contain all the information required for the server to process the request.

  • uniform interface : The set of interfaces is well-defined (HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,etc).

  • resource-based architecture : Each call is done on a resource (identified by a unique URI (Uniform Resource Identifier))

# What does CRUD mean ?

CRUD stands for: Create, Read, Update, Delete.

# Which are the main Http response code ?

  • Informational (1xx): Indicates that the request was received and the process is continuing.
  • Successful (2xx): Indicates that the request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
  • Redirection (3xx): Indicates that further action must be taken to complete the request.
  • Client Errors (4xx): Indicates that an error occurred during the request processing and it is the client who caused the error.
  • Server Errors (5xx): Indicates that an error occurred during request processing but that it was by the server.

# Which libraries could we use in Spring for mocking ?

Mockito, EasyMock

# @RunWith vs @ExtendWith

If you are using JUnit version < 5, you have to use @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) or @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) etc.

If you are using JUnit version = 5, you have to use @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) or @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) etc.

# What are Inner beans in Spring?

Inner beans in Spring are beans that are defined within the scope of another bean.

# How can you determine if your program has a deadlock?

We can use a thread dump tool to inspect the state of the threads in your program.

# Facade vs Proxy Design Pattern

Proxy wrap an object, Facade hide more objects. Proxy generally add functionality (logging, security, etc), Facade generally will not add functionality.

# ApplicationContext vs BeanFactory

BeanFactory provides basic IoC and Dependency Injection (DI) features, while ApplicationContext provides advanced features like:

  • Internationalization (i18n) -> you can create an application using multiple languages

  • Event publishing -> for instance, you can publish a ContextStartedEvent when the context is started

# What is the use of Interceptor design pattern ?

The use of the Interceptor design pattern is to add actions before or/and after a request/call to an object without modifying that object.

# Which design pattern can be used when to decouple/separate abstraction from the implementation ?

Bridge design pattern

# What is DAO Design Pattern ?

DAO (Data Access Object) Design Pattern is used to separate the data persistence logic from the service which need the persistence.

# Interpreter design pattern in Java

int result = expression.interpret(context);


"expression" is an implementation of an interface (we can have many implementations).

"context" is a context which keeps information used for interpreting.

# What are the different modes of Autowiring supported by Spring ?

by type, by name

# How can we change the heap size of a JVM ?

The HEAP size of a JVM can be changed by setting the -Xms and -Xmx parameters on the command line when we start the JVM.

# Is it allowed to declare main method as final ?

It is allowed, but the main method is not overridden anyway.