Tutorials on this subject :
ActiveMQ Installation on Windows
Create an ActiveMQ Queue
Create an ActiveMQ Topic
Delete an ActiveMQ Queue
Put a Message into an ActiveMQ Queue
Start ActiveMQ Server
What is a AsyncSubject in Angular ?
What is a BehaviorSubject in Angular ?
Angular Callback function (example)
Angular installation on Windows
What is a ReplaySubject in Angular ?
What is a Subject in Angular ?
"concat" vs "merge" operators
Create a Child Component in Angular
What a Custom Directive is in Angular ?
My first Angular Application
My first Angular PrimeNG Application
Generic Injection Token
HOT vs COLD Observables in Angular
OnChanges interface
Pass data to a child component in Angular
Angular & PrimeNG Environment Setup
Promise vs Observable in Angular
Receive data from a Child Component in Angular
Routing in Angular
Sending data from Child to Parent Component
Angular setTimeout() example
@ViewChild decorator
What an Observable is in Angular ?
What a Promise is in Angular ?
Review No. 1
Asynchronous Actions
Ansible Conditionals
Error handling
Ansible Inventory
Ansible Loops
Ansible Modules
Ansible Playbook
Ansible Roles
Ansible Variables
Ansible Vault
How to install Ansible on Linux
Why an IT architecture department ?
Azure Cost Calculator
How to create a Function App
How to create a Function App
Create a Kubernetes Cluster in Azure
Create a Virtual Machine in Azure
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure SQL Database
Connect to Azure using the Azure CLI
Install Azure CLI on Windows
Azure Bastion
Azure Load Balancers
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Azure Firewall and Azure Network Security Groups (NSG)
Virtual Networks
Virtual Subnets
Azure Key Vault
Shared Access Signature (SAS)
Storage Account Access Key
Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Storage Explorer
Storage Tables
Delete an Entity from a Storage Tables
Insert an Entity in a Storage Tables
Query a Table in a Storage Tables
CSS for Page Layout
CSS Properties for Text
How to use Google Fonts
HTML button with CSS
HTML tables with CSS
Pseudo-classes in CSS
Pseudo-elements in CSS
Add a Docker image to Docker Desktop (from Docker Hub)
How to change the name of a Docker container
Connect to a Docker Desktop container
Copy files from the host to the Docker container
Create a Docker Container from a Docker Image
Create a Docker Image from a Docker Container
Create an HTTP server on Docker
Docker Hub Repository
Docker installation on Linux (CentOS 7)
Uninstall Docker from Linux (CentOS 7, RedHat 7)
Create a Linux container with Docker
What is a Docker Container ?
Docker image explanation
What is Docker ?
What is a Dockerfile ?
Create and start an HTTP server
Enabling Docker support in WSL 2 distros
Install Docker Compose on Windows
BRIDGE Networking in Docker
HOST Networking in Docker
IPs, Hostnames, Ports in Docker Containers
PING command in a Docker container (Ubuntu)
User-defined Bridge vs Default Bridge networking
Bind Mount persistence in Docker Compose
Bind Mount persistence in Docker Containers
How we can manage volumes in Docker
How we can use volumes in Docker Compose
How the volumes are used in Docker
Envoy proxy installation on CentOS 8
Start and configure a basic Envoy proxy
Create a Web Page using Express.js and Pug
Express.js framework & Node.js
Express Middleware Server Example
Add a Static External IP to a VM
Create a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Create a Virtual Machine
Connect to a PostgreSQL database from GCP CLI
Create a Firestore (Native mode)
Create a PostgreSQL database
Cloud Bigtable
Cloud Spanner Database
Cloud Spanner
Connect to GCP using the Google Cloud CLI
Install Google Cloud CLI on Windows
Reserve an External Static IP
Create a VPC Network
Create a VPC Subnet
Create a secret in GCP
Create a Google-Managed Certificate
Deploy a Node.js application using an App Engine
See the actual cost of a Standard App Engine service
Create Cloud Function in GCP
Deploy to Cloud Run
Storage Bucket in GCP
Persistent disks for Compute Engines
Filestore in GCP
Testing & Deployment Concepts
Add files to Git repository
Create Git Repository (using GUI)
How to create a GitHub Account
Create GitHub Repository
Install Git on Windows
Install GitHub Desktop on Windows
Push Files to GitHub repository
Install Git Client on Windows (TortoiseGit)
Create a H2 User
Create a Permanent Table
Create a H2 Database Schema
Create an In-Memory Table
H2 Database Installation on Windows
Start H2 Database on Windows
Create a Chart in Helm
Charts in Helm
Conditionals in Helm
Apache HTTP Server installation on Linux
Apache HTTP Server installation on Windows
Configure Apache Proxy
Rewrite a request on Apache Server
Composing Functions
Thread communication through pipes
Consumers in Java
Create a Daemon in Java (with example)
Create a multi-module application (Spring Boot & Maven)
Enum implements an Interface (I)
Enum implements an Interface (II)
Functions in Java
Functional Interfaces
Generics in Java Example
Java memory model - the main concepts
Java Socket Client Example
Java Socket Server Example
Lambda expression
Suppliers in Java
Upload a file using FTP in Java (with example)
WatchService interface
Working with Files in Java
Abstract classes
Abstraction in Java
Array type in Java
Base64 encoding & decoding in Java
Casting in Java
Custom Annotations
"default" method in an interface
Encapsulation in Java
Enum Class in Java
Exception Handling in Java
"final" keyword in Java
forEach method (for Collections)
Inheritance in Java
Interfaces in Java
Collections in Java
Maps in Java
Naming convention in Java
Java Operators
Java Optional class
Stub vs Skeleton, Marshalling vs Serialization in Java
Superclass & Subclass in Java
LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime
MAVEN: Lifecycles
Method & Constructor references in Java
New HTTP Client in Java
Pass by value or pass by reference ?
Polymorphism in Java
Java types: "primitives" vs "reference type" variables
Regular Expression in Java
"static" keyword in Java
"static" method in an interface
String methods in Java
String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
"super" keyword in Java
"throw" keyword in Java
"throws" keyword in Java
The try-with-resources statement
Variable arguments in Java
EJB Client (Stateful)
EJB Client (Stateless)
EJB explanation
Interceptors in EJB
@PrePassivate vs @PostActivate
Singleton Session Bean
Stateful Session Bean
Stateless Session Bean
Timer Service
Code Examples 1
Monitors in Java
Semaphores in Java
Synchronized vs Concurrent Collection
"synchronized" keyword in Java
Threads Synchronization in Java (with example)
Abstract Factory
Adapter (or Wrapper)
Chain of Responsibility
Factory Method
Model View Controller (MVC)
What gRPC and Protocol buffers are ?
Simple Service using gRPC & Spring Boot
BloomRPC - installation & usage
Java 17 installation on Linux (CentOS 8) - openjdk 17
Java 17 installation on Windows 10
Uninstall Java 17 from Linux (CentOS 8)
READ message from DURABLE Topic
READ message from a QUEUE
READ messages from a QUEUE using MessageListener
SEND a message to a QUEUE
SEND a message to a TOPIC
Send a message using SAF (WebLogic)
WRITE a message into a WildFly Queue
Write (send) a message into a WildFly Topic
Subscribe to a Topic using MessageListener (II)
Subscribe to a Topic using MessageListener (I)
Execute DELETE on an Oracle table (with Hibernate)
Hibernate Configuration
Execute INSERT on an Oracle table (with Hibernate)
Execute SELECT on an Oracle table (with Hibernate)
Execute UPDATE on an Oracle table (with Hibernate)
LOG4J : Explanation & architecture
LOG4J : Configuration for Java
LOG4J : Example in Java
Logback : Explanation & architecture
Logback : Configuration for Java
Logback : Example in Java
CompletableFuture class in Java
Creating Threads in Java (with example)
Executor Service
Future interface in Java
FutureTask class in Java
Executor Service : ScheduledThreadPool
Threads in Java (with example)
Thread Methods in Java (with example)
Review No. 1
Review No. 2
Review No. 3
Review No. 4
Review No. 5
Review No. 6
Review No. 7
Review No. 8
SPRING BATCH: Concurrent Steps
SPRING BATCH: Conditional Steps
SPRING BATCH: Create a Step
Infrastructure Configuration (Using H2)
SPRING BATCH: Sequential Steps
Spring Batch : The Main Concepts
@Async annotation in Spring Boot
@Builder Lombok annotation
CommandLineRunner in Spring Boot
@EqualsAndHashCode Lombok annotation
'Hello World' Application
Junit5 Example (with Maven)
Spring Boot 3 New Features
@ToString Lombok annotation
Change/Set default port for an API
Create client for REST Server
Create a simple REST API
Create a REST Server
HTTP request methods
Spring API input parameters
Flow Class: Processor interface
Flow Class: Subscriber, Publisher, Subscription interfaces
Reactive Programming: Spring Boot & MongoDB
Spring WebFlux: Flux Stream Example
Spring WebFlux: Hello World Example
Spring WebFlux: Mono Stream Example
Spring Cloud Bus
Circuit Breaker
Configuration Client
Configuration Server
Eureka Client
Eureka Server
Spring Cloud Gateway
Annotations in Java Spring JPA
Spring Data JPA : MySql database - Paginating the result
Spring Data JPA : MySql database - Sorting the result
Spring Data JPA : Transactions - example
Spring Data JPA with a MySql database
Annotations in Java Spring Boot
@ControllerAdvice & @ExceptionHandler example
EhCache Example in Spring
Spring Model-View-Controller (MVC) Example
Spring Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Client example
Spring Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Server example
JAX-WS (SOAP) Client in Spring
JAX-WS (SOAP) Server in Spring
Spring AOP (explanation & example)
Spring Context Configuration (using Java Classes)
Spring Context Configuration using with XML file
Filters & Interceptors in Spring
Spring JUnit Example
Spring Pointcut annotation (explanation & example)
Spring ProceedingJoinPoint (explanation & example)
Annotations in Java Spring Security
Create a custom login page
Secure a Web Application for Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Disable the CSRF
Implement Anonymous Login
My first Spring Boot Service using Spring Security
PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH requests using CSRF in Postman
SPRING Security : Secure Web Application
Authentication : InMemoryUserDetailsManager
Authentication : JdbcUserDetailsManager
Authorization : SecurityFilterChain
Store Users & Passwords into a MySql database
Spring Security 6 : Implementing OAuth2 with Keycloak
Spring Security Overview
SPRING Security : Simple MVC Application (no security)
collect() method
distinct() method
filter() method
flatMap() method
map() method
min() & max() methods
reduce() method
sorted() method
stream() & parallelStream() methods in Collections
Create a jar file for a JAX-WS (using Ant)
Create REST Client (using Jersey)
Create a REST Service (using Jersey)
Create a Java WS Client (SOAP)
Create a SOAP WS (Document style)
Create a SOAP Web Service (using Jersey)
Create Java SOAP Web Service (RPC style)
Deploy a JAX-WS on WildFly Server
Create a Java Web Service (SOAP RPC) for WildFly
What a Web Service is ?
Servlet Context
Cookies in Java
Delete Cookies from Chrome
Delete Cookies in Java (on Server Side)
Java Filters
Java Filter for logging
Creating PrimeFaces Applications
Java Server Pages (JSP)
Java Servlet (POST Method)
Java Servlet (GET Method)
Java URL Rewriting
Event Listeners in JavaScript
FOR loops in JavaScript
IF ... ELSE in JavaScript
innerHTML in JavaScript
JavaScript Arrays
JavaScript Functions
JavaScript Variables
JQuery Each Method
JQuery Events
JQuery Selector
Modify HTML attributes using JavaScript
THIS keyword in JavaScript
WHILE loops in JavaScript
Compile & Run a Java Application in Jenkins
Create User
Create a Simple Job in Jenkins
Environment Injector Plugin
Grant Read permission on Jenkins jobs
Jenkins Plugins
Run a Job after another Job
Run a Jenkins Job through an API
Jenkins installation on Linux (CentOS 8)
Jenkins installation on Windows
Remove Jenkins from Linux (CentOS 8)
Integrate Jenkins with GitHub (using Poll SCM)
Integrate Jenkins with GitHub (using Webhooks)
Integrate Jenkins with Maven (without Maven Integration plugin)
Maven Integration plugin
Jenkins-SonarQube Integration
Build Pipeline Plugin
Create Complex Scripted Pipeline
Create Declarative Pipeline
Create a simple Pipeline
Create Simple Scripted Pipeline
Delivery Pipeline Plugin
Handling Jenkins Pipeline Failures
Jenkins Blue Ocean
Jenkins main pipeline concepts
Using Environment Variables in Jenkins
Using Parameters in Jenkins Pipelines
Conditional stage in Jenkins pipeline
Create Kafka Consumer Group (from CLI)
JAVA: Create Kafka Consumer
Create Kafka Consumer (from CLI)
JAVA: Create Kafka Producer with a Callback
JAVA: Create a Kafka Producer with a Key
JAVA: Create a Kafka Producer
Create Kafka Producer (from CLI)
Create Kafka Topic (from CLI)
Kafka Architecture
Kafka Cluster Installation on Linux
Kafka configuration parameters
Kafka Installation on Linux
JAVA: Kafka KTables Explained
Kafka performance: CPU
Kafka performance: IO
Kafka performance: Network
Kafka performance: RAM
JAVA: Kafka Streams - Explanation & Example
JAVA: Kafka Topology Explained
Merge 2 Kafka KStreams (Java)
Start Kafka as a Linux service
Start & Stop Kafka & Zookeeper
Start Zookeeper as Linux service
Zookeeper Cluster Installation on Linux
Zookeeper configuration parameters
Zookeeper Four Letter Words commands
Mono: map, doOnNext, doOnSubscribe methods
Mono.just() vs Mono.defer() vs Mono.fromSupplier() vs Mono.create()
async Builder
GlobalScope.launch() Builder
runBlocking Builder
ConfigMaps explanation
Limit the CPU utilization
Set Resource Limits for Namespaces
Namespaces in Kubernetes
Limit the RAM utilization
Volumes in Kubernetes
Create a NodePort service
Create, View and Destroy a Deployment
Create, View and Destroy a Replica Set
Create, View and Destroy a Pod
Create a service with an external IP
Kubernetes Architecture overview
The Main Concepts in Kubernetes
Connect to a Kubernetes Cluster from the Azure CLI
Create a Kubernetes Cluster in Azure
Deploy an NGINX server in a Kubernetes Cluster in Azure
Get information on Kubernetes Cluster nodes in Azure
Create a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Useful commands in Linux (CentOS)
Maven installation on Linux
Maven installation on Windows
Upload a file to Nexus
Using SonarQube with Maven
Create a Collection
Create a database
Insert a Document into a Collection
MongoDB Installation on Windows
MongoDB Compass Installation on Windows
Remove a Document from a Collection
Create a Database (Schema)
Create a Function
Create a Table
Create a View
MySQL installation on Linux (RPM)
MySQL installation on Linux (YUM)
MySQL installation on Windows
Create a Nexus repository
Delete a Nexus repository
Nexus repository installation on Linux
Nexus repository installation on Windows
Start/Stop Nexus repository on Linux
Start/Stop Nexus repository on Windows
Create a MySql database (schema)
Execute a Delete statement on a MySql table
EventEmitter object
Generate HTML & Text Code
My first 'Hello World' Application in Node.js
Execute an Insert statement on a MySql table
Node.js Callback
Node.js Error Handling
Node.js FS Module
HTTP Module in Node.js
Node.js installation on Windows
What is a module in Node.js ?
Node.js URL Module
NPM (Node Package Manager)
JSON.parse() & stringify() Functions
Read a URL Request in Node.js
Execute a Select statement on a MySql table
Streams in Node.js
Execute an Update statement on a MySql table
Create User-Defined Modules
What is Node.js ?
Create a Domain
Create a Function
Create a Materialized View
Create a Schema
Create a Sequence
Create a Table
Create a Tablespace
Create a User
Create a View
pgAdmin Installation on Windows
PostgreSQL Installation on Linux (RPM approach)
PostgreSQL Installation on Linux (YUM approach)
Enterprise DB PostgreSQL Installation on Windows
Functions in Python
Using Classes in Python
FOR loop in Python
IF ... ELIF ... ELSE in Python
PyCharm Installation on Windows
Python Installation on Windows (v. 3.4.3)
WHILE loop in Python
Grant User Permissions
Create a new Project
Create a New Group in SonarQube
Create a New User in SonarQube
SonarQube Installation on Linux
SonarQube Installation on Windows
Create SQL Server Database
Create SQL Server Login
Create a Scalar-Valued Function
Create SQL Server Table
Create SQL Server User
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Installation
SQL Server Management Studio Installation
SQL Server System Databases
Create a Network Interface Card (NIC) in Azure
Create a Network Security Group (NSG) in Azure
Create a Public IP in Azure
Create a Resource Group in Azure
Create a Subnet in Azure
Create a Virtual NET in Azure
Install Terraform on Windows
Terraform commands
Terraform Providers
DELETING data using a Thymeleaf application
DISPLAYING information from an Oracle database
INSERTING data using a Thymeleaf application
Thymeleaf 'Hello Word' Application
Thymeleaf vs Angular
Thymeleaf vs Java Server Faces (JSF)
Thymeleaf vs Java Server Pages (JSP)
UPDATING data using a Thymeleaf application
What is Thymeleaf ?
Activity Diagram
Class Diagram
Communication Diagram
Component Diagram
Composite Structure Diagram
Deployment Diagram
Interaction overview Diagram
Object Diagram
Package Diagram
Sequence Diagram
State Machine (Statechart) Diagram
Timing Diagram
UML Diagram types
Use Case Diagram
What is UML ?
Create a Linux VM with an HTTP Server on it
Create a simple machine on Virtual Box
Vagrant installation on Windows
Setting RAM and the CPU cores with Vagrant
Vagrant plugins
What is a Vagrant provider ?
Vagrant Provisioning Example
What is a Vagrantfile and what is used for ?
What is Vagrant and what it is used for ?
OWASP top 10
Create a DataSource
Create a Queue on Wildfly
Create a Topic on Wildfly
Create a user for WildFly Server
Install Oracle JDBC driver on WildFly Server
Install PostgreSQL JDBC driver on WildFly Server
Install SQLServer JDBC driver on WildFly Server
WildFly 10.1 installation on Windows
Start the WildFly Server (standalone)
WildFly 10.1 installation on Linux
Total tutorials on this subject : 616