# Install Oracle JDBC driver on WildFly Server

Published 2022-12-03

This tutorial explains to you how to install a JDBC Oracle database driver in WildFly.

Before creating a Datasourse on WildFly for an Oracle database, you have to install the JDBC driver for that Oracle database version. For this you have to go to the Oracle site and download the appropriate Oracle JDBC driver. From Oracle site, I downloaded the ojdbc6.jar file and I will put it somewhere, in C:\drivers_for_wildfly for instance.

From a Windows machine I will access the WildFly Server using the Administration Console, in my case I used link. I will see :

Click on "Deployments".

Click on "Add".

Choose "Upload a new deployment" and click on "Next".

Click on "Choose a File" and you will choose C:\drivers_for_wildfly\ojdbc6.jar file (this location is the location of the ojdbc driver).

Click on "Next".

Click on "Finish". And you will see something like this:

At this moment, the Oracle JDBC driver for Oracle 11gR2 is installed on WildFly server.